Summer pool maintenance program tips

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Summer pool maintenance program tips

Posted By MyGuy || 18-Apr-2014

On a blazing summer day in Arizona, where the average high temperatures can range from 95 to 106 degrees, your backyard swimming pool is a welcome respite from the heat. However, to enjoy a refreshing dive into its inviting cool blue water, it is mandatory that a regular pool maintenance program is preformed to prolong its crystal-clear perfection. This can be a tedious job but it is necessary for the health of your family and to help eliminate costly pool and spa repairs later down the road. Do not forget to keep the area around the exterior of your inground or above ground pool clean of debris too. Here are some general tips from the experts that may help you this summer.

  1. Pool Run time:

The rule of thumb is you should run your pool timer 1 hour for every ten degrees it is outside. To explain this better here is an example: if it is 100 degrees, you should try to run your pool filter and pump 10 hours per day. The swimming pool professional maintenance experts often recommend that it is a good idea to run the timer at night to save on electricity and help you save money too!

  1. Clarity:

Oh no do you have a green splash, lap or play pool? Here are the steps that you might try to clear up your pool or spa when the water is no longer crystal clear in color.

  1. Water chemistry- test all the chemicals levels PH, alkalinity, cyanaric acid, calcium, phosphates and chlorine. Adjusting these levels is you first step to a healthy pool. If any or all of these levels are off there is a good chance the pool could turn that nasty green color.
  2. Filtration- depending on the type of filter (sand, DE, cartridge) you want to make sure the media inside the filter is clean.
    1. If you have a cartridge and DE filter it is recommended that you open the filter every 12 months and clean the grids or cartridges.
    2. Does your pool have sand filter? We suggest that you change the sand every 5 years.
    3. Backwashing a De and sand filter should also be done on roughly a monthly basis or when pressure inside the filter builds up.
  3. Circulation:

The pool repair experts recommend that your pump, skimmer and any other baskets are emptied on a regular basis.

  1. If debris builds up in them, it might cause a blockage to the pump and could cut down on your circulation.
  2. If it looks like your pump is just not working correctly make sure your swimming pool water level is at the correct level.
  3. If still having issues take the basket out of the pump and see if you can feel any blockage in the opening.
  4. In some cases debris has entered past the pump basket and clogged the impeller.

If you have proper circulation, filtration and water chemistry your pool maintenance should be a breeze, especially in our hot AZ summer months.

    1. New products:

There is one product in particular that swimming pool cleaning experts would like to introduce to you.

It is a multi-speed or variable speed pump.

  1. This pump has multiple speeds which can be programmed to run at different speeds at different times of the day.
  2. The main benefit is to reduce the cost of electricity by almost half because a lower horse power can be used to run the pump.
  3. The cost to install in higher than normal 1 speed pump but you will save over time in electricity.

If want to spend less time maintaining your pool and more time enjoying it call your local swimming pool experts at ToFixIt (602) 863-4948 to schedule your appointment. Let them provide you with regular maintenance so that you can avoid large repair or replacement bills this swimming season.

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